RADIAN Overview


French Aerospace Competitivenes Clusters Contribution


Expectation and reality: drones in agriculture of Ukraine


Challenge of creation: a new generation of commercial UAV technology is coming


Presentation of perspective projects of the "Virazh" centre


Drones in agri-science and agri-insurance: international and Ukrainian experience


Formation and development of drones distribution in Ukraine



October 12-13, 2018

FB Event

Консорціум проекту Н2020 РАДІАН  і VIII Всесвітній конгрес «Авіація у XXI столітті» – «Безпека в авіації та космічні технології запрошують до участі у міжнародному форумі з питань розвитку і застосування БПЛА/БПС (посилання тут).

Співорганізаторами події виступають Проектний офіс НАУ спільно з Науковим товариством студентів, аспірантів, докторантів та молодих вчених НАУ.

Форум започатковує майданчик для спілкування міжнародних та вітчизняних фахівців щодо трендів і перспектив розвитку БПЛА, новинок у розробках і застосуванні БПЛА, дотичних регуляторних питань тощо.

Програма форуму формуватиметься за такими напрямами:

  1. Європейські тренди і перспективи розвитку БПЛА.
  2. Застосування БПЛА в різних сферах економіки.
  3. Законодавче регулювання використання БПЛА.

До участі у Форумі запрошуються: розробники, виробники, користувачі, постачальники БПЛА, регулятори у сфері БПЛА, науковці, студенти.

Мови форуму – українська та англійська (із синхронним перекладом)

Участь безкоштовна за умови попередньої реєстрації ТУТ.

Заявка на участь в якості спікера відбувається у зазначеній вище формі реєстрації. Доводимо до вашого відома, що кількість спікерів може бути обмежена у випадку великої кількості доповідей.

Дедлайн для прийому заявок 30 вересня 2018 року. Після цієї дати остаточний перелік спікерів буде відображений у програмі форуму.

Програма (програма в роботі, до 30 вересня 2018 року можливі зміни).

Локація: НАУХАБ Національного авіаційного університету, вул. Гарматна, 53, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine.

Дати: 12-13 жовтня 2018 року


The H2020 CSA project RADIAN and the Eighth World Congress “Aviation in the XXI-st Century” invite you to participate at the international forum on development and application of UAVs/UAS’ (link is here).

The forum is organised by the Project Office of the National Aviation University (NAU) together with the Young Scientist Association of the NAU.

The forum founds a platform for communication between international and local experts on trends and prospects of UAVs, new UAV’s developments and applications, related regulatory and other issues.

The program of the forum will be formed in the following areas:

  1. European trends and prospects of UAV’s development.
  2. Various practical applications of UAVs.
  3. Legislative regulation of UAVs.

Developers, manufacturers, users, suppliers of UAVs, UAV regulators, scientists, students are invited to participate in the forum.

Languages of the forum – Ukrainian and English (with simultaneous translation).

Free of charge participation is subject to prior registration HERE.

The application for participation as a speaker is made in the registration form above. Please be advised that the number of speakers may be limited in case of a large amount of reports.

The deadline for speaker’s application is September 30, 2018. After this date the final list of speakers will be displayed in forum’s program.

Program (program is in the progress, changes are possible until September 30, 2018).

The venue: NAUHUB of the National Aviation University, 53 Harmatna Street, 03058 Kyiv, Ukraine.

Dates: October 12-13, 2018

FB Event

Program of the forum:

FIRST DAY, October 12th, 2018

9:00 / Registration and Coffee /



10:00 / Introduction of RADIAN project

Gerhard Pauly

The RADIAN coordinator, senior scientist

10:15 / The French Aerospace Competitiveness Cluster's Vision of the UAV Applications in Various Areas of Economy

Claude Tribout

11:00 / Drones: opportunity and challenges

Gabriella Gigante

12:00 / How to accelerate innovations

Tal Catran

Accelerators Guru & International Keynote Speaker, Start-Up Ecosystem Builder

12:40 / Financing of innovative ideas in Ukraine

Deborah Fairlamb

Deputy Director of UkraineInvest 

13:00 / Lunch

14:00 / Ukrainian UAV Innovators

(in Ukrainian, approximately 20 min)

Vadym Ostapenko, SmartFarming
Expectation and reality: drones in agriculture of Ukraine

Dmytro Surdu, Kray Technologies
Challenge of creation: a new generation of commercial UAV technology is coming

Mykhaylo Matiychyk, Scientific and Production Center of Unmanned Aviation “Virazh”, NAU
Title to be clarified

Victor Yermak, Skyglyph
Drones in agri-science and agri-insurance: international and Ukrainian experience

15:30 / Panel - Regulation of UAVs in Ukraine

Oleksandr Bilchuk, Chairman of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine

Christina Syniavska, Miller Law Company

Andrii Guk, Ante Law Firm

Ivan Chaika, Startup Development Officer at Suntri

SECOND DAY, October 13th, 2018

10:00 / Mentoring Session with Tal Catran for UAV Startups

Tal Catran
Accelerators Guru & International Keynote Speaker, Start-Up Ecosystem Builder

Deborah Fairlamb
Deputy Director of UkraineInvest

Andrii Zaikin
Founder of YEP! incubators

13:00 / Lunch

14:00 / Ukrainian UAV Innovators

(in Ukrainian, approximately 20 min)

Valeriy Yakovenko,
Innovation unmanned technology in agriculture

Mykhaylo Petiakh, Andriy Puliaiev, MatrixUAV
Hybrid and tied UAVs: new solutions, new opportunities

Artem Lukin, Ruslan Bieliaiev, Dronarium
Drones in the entertainment industry

Server Akimov, Smartdrones
Practice of drones in industry

Andrii Makarenko, FlyTechnology
Formation and development of drones distribution in Ukraine




Claude Tribout

Activity description

Chairman of the RPAS/UAV Strategic Committee of the French Aerospace Competitiveness Cluster ASTech Paris Region.

The ASTech Paris Region aerospace competitiveness cluster is located in Île-de-France, the French leading region in the fields of aerospace and on-board systems. The Cluster is an umbrella organisation for over 100,000 aerospace professionals.

Tal Catran

Activity description

Accelerators Guru & International Keynote Speaker; Start-Up Ecosystem Builder; Start-Up Ecosystem Builder; Startup Nation & TEDx Tech Speaker
Tal is the undoubted Accelerators Guru, founded 12 accelerators programs in Israel and globally. Tal is also a renowned Keynote Speaker sharing his toolbox of skills with entrepreneurial ecosystems worldwide. Tal serves as advisory board and chairman in a variety of companies and technology startups. His experience enables him to establish and promote entire startup ecosystems. Tal’s active involvement with startups, accelerators, innovation hub and major players in the entrepreneurial ecosystems stretches from Israel to Europe and Asia.
Tal brainstorms with municipalities, government offices and financial leaders to format the right recipe that would serve as a wakeup call and motivation boost, to get the ecosystem engine running

Gabriella Gigante

Activity description

Head of Integrated Software Verification and Validation Laboratory at CIRA (belonging to Safety and Security Unit), the Italian Aerospace Research Center.

CIRA is responsible for developing and implementing national aerospace research programs. Gabriella Gigante has more than 20 years of experience in software development, system reliability engineering and critical software verification and validation, including on board software of UAVs.

Deborah Fairlamb

Activity description

Deputy Director UkraineIPO, UkraineInvest
She has more than 20 years of professional experience building and marketing a range of international businesses, products and programs. She worked in and ran Private Banking programs with Merrill Lynch, UBS and the Bank of Georgia for 15 years before she transitioned her corporate experience to more entrepreneurial projects. She has worked as an independent adviser and business consultant promoting investments and new business development in Georgia, Ukraine, and the US for the last 7 years.
